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Brain Change
with Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS)

Get the brain balanced, unstuck or calmed down....

Individuals with diagnoses of ASD, effects of stroke, TBI, or difficulties with attention often believe that change is not possible or it takes many years. This is because behaviours or effects appear to be below the level of conscious control. And many are.


There are levels of intervention at the behaviour learning to talk again, which will make changes in the brain. There are interventions that work more directly at the brain level, which can make behavioural interventions more effective.


This is where LENS Neurotherapy for ASD ADHD+ and many other areas comes in.  The  Low Energy Neurofeedback System - LENS aims to gently encourage the brain into greater harmony and variability, leading to better functioning in our world.


The important thing is to understand that changes are possible, no matter how long ago the difficulties began.

A gentle powerful
program for children from age 2, to adults. 

All you have to do is sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes every so often, while your brain gently does the work.
No wonder it's great for toddlers.

Brain Map sites, above

Site elevations below

LENS Neurofeedback balances and harmonises brain function making it easier for you or your child
to  make brain changes

LENS Neurofeedback helps across many areas the brain.

Click here for Neurotherapy 
Details and Costs
Contact Tony Franklin 
08 71274938, for more information

The LENS approach considers difficulties in a different way from other approaches. Instead of concentrating on specific diagnoses, LENS considers the associated functional areas which need to be addressed.


LENS Neurotherapy 


  • offers a high success rate within relatively fewer sessions. 


  • delicately enlists the brain to enhance brain plasticity.


  • always re sets the brain at a higher level of functioning


  • advanced technology 


  • 1,00,000 clients in the last 25 years


  • 5 million session database research affords ever more effective ways of enhancing functioning   


  • a client might experience very temporary symptoms of headache, fatigue, “spacey-ness” “or wired”.  hours. Negative effects of treatments have not been reported


LENS is safe. It attracts a “non-significant risk” categorization from the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 


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