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Moods and Motivation

Happy and Sad faces

Motivation to change is a positive desire to improve our well-being. Sometimes we are unsure of a direction or how to get there. We can become anxious about not knowing what to do.
Sometimes we look at where we want to be and where we are and it seems almost impossible to achieve. 
We may give ourselves a hard time, becoming angry or depressed for not doing better or going faster, or even going “backwards”.

The thing is that we need more than motivation to get to where we want to go.

Although motivation acts as an energiser and can direct our behaviour, we also need to be aware of what acts against achieving our goals. Sometimes we have to put aside other things that we enjoy, to keep our focus.

Having someone to walk with you as you take the beginning steps on your path, having someone to check in with every now and then as you high-five, or someone to be with you as your heart discovers the true meaning of that loss can make the journey easier.

Contact if you would like to deal with:

  • anxiety and stress:  restlessness, rumination, agitation, difficulty breathing

  • depression: prolonged/incomplete  grieving, sadness

  • motivation: problems starting tasks, shifting from one activity to another, and/or completing tasks

Consultations by appointment 
Phone: 08 71274938
Mt Barker & Adelaide South Australia
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